Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Reunited "via" Motives,
Deceitful Heartless Betrayer
Is Now Unworthy of thy's love. When All Untruths Prevail
Feelings are Left Behind...
Harboring Polluted Airs,
The one you Never knew
Is Forever Lost & Forgotten...


Having the time for love  
Places all things in view...
Hence the ribbons of the soul
React empty of all fear...
Without given a space to grow
Sight soon looks away.
Keep great care of these things,
Betray not its mindful song....
I look deeply within past sorrow,
For now I know he is truly gone...


With Love, your Laughter Shines,
Through the Smiling of Your Eyes... 
My days are Touched by New-ness,
Because of Your Gift Within...


Looking towards the Hallway
A Seeing Glimpse is Heard...
Lost within all Thoughts
I Taste the Smell of You...
Every Breath Breaks Labored,
Falling Tears Embrace my Soul.
Pain Spikes into my Veins
Forcing reality to Blur...
Prevailing Truths remain Unseen
Leaving Empty my Closed Heart...
The Promise Given is a Lie
As the "You" in "Me" now Fades...


As I look I can hear,
A faint color of sorts.
Somehow the name remembered,
Is no more its attraction.
How is it that a sunbeam
Can harvest upon love?
Or does the blink of Time,
Easily grab up lost souls?
Maybe when I step away,
You then will tell me why....


Rivers meet only to flow away,
As clouds move and clear above...
A tree reaching always upwards,
Without love turns towards its roots...
While a gust of wind becomes still,
 My mid-air breath grows cold...
The ground underfoot suddenly changes,
Proving your winding road is forked...
Lightning strikes as to fall upward,
Until the thunderous claps are dark...
These things hold truths of so much more,
Learned answers are forbidden for one...
The lust shows throughout each given day,
I shall fear our lives not shared...


When will enough be over?
Why does it not leave?
How can soon turn into so long?
Who can tell if why can be ?
What road is there not taken?
Where do you find the bitter end?
Can you remember what is lost?
Or shall all become never again?


Hey, Don't ya just Love all of the Old Fashion quotes?
Like the one that goes..."And on His Wife He did Dote".

Or even there's the classic..."A Stitch in Time Saves Nine".
Let's see...We must not forget ... "Seek and Ye Shall Find",

Can you remember how "Parents" hated the saying... "Whatever !",
And the Old Fogies threat of "Around Here We Tar & Feather",

Yet today is met with... "I don't want in the middle of that",
Added with... "Well I don't know", As they were just told a Fact!

But I read "As for My Family its not about you So Don't Respond",
It brought tears to my Heart ... Via the true lack of a "Bond"...

To a degree I can say "Everyone stayed with Aunt Max" for a time,
So if you look back at those memories... What is it you would find?

See the Kids waiting "Half an hour before Swimming after Lunch"?
Another "Quote" Not from fact just out of love, would be my hunch.

Oh yea, When children fought?... Just what would happen then?,
Everyone Grab A Corner, As in "You can Fight, But You Won't Win!"

Or when a younger child cried after a "Bad Day in the Park?"
"Ill get to the bottom of it" Meant "Big kids napped in the dark"...

When one of us hurt, the other had better get help right away...
As Adults there's Rules, Restrictions & Limits on what One Can Say.

Just what has happened throughout each year after year?
As I now refer to.... "Our Love for Aunt Max & Our Reverent Fear"

Leaving... "Do onto Others as You Wish Done onto You"...
And a question, If Aunt Max were here, Would we do what we do?


The last time you looked;
Can you tell me what you saw?
Did you see any respect,
Of any form at all?
What about any morals?
Can you find a value or two?
I know I've dropped the ball...
I ask the United States;
Please look and see, have you?
Where are we going;
With this massive ball of hate?
We circle each other every day,
Never saying sorry, to our own mate...
All that I really know is
We all need to unite...
Because at this pace we are losing,
Without any reason to fight...


Are there segments in your life?
Ones filled with joy...
And others with some strife?
Then somehow they seem to go away...
While lingering on, from day to day?
With each one, a change is made...
As the next ones clear, the other ones fade...
A segment at a time,
No more, no less,
Attain to them all, or you'll have a mess...


With Each Year... You Excell At Motherhood,
Taking On More And More For Their Benifit...
You Hope You Have Taught Them Well,
While Always Praying For Their Safety...
Sometimes Your Rewarded With Sour Looks,
But When You See Their Sleeping Face...
It Fills Your Heart With Love.
This And More, A Whole Lot More,
Defines What A Mother Does.
But In No Way Does It Begin To Say
How Important You Really Are...
You Are A Very Special Woman Sharla,
Beautiful, Loving, Level Headed & Funny...
Also A Stronghold For Your Family.
Hold Proud Of Yourself Always And Forever,
Happy Mothers Day! To You From Me. Love Mom


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